ifundefinedciteleft[Ref.M =[ ifundefinedciteright)=] ifundefinedcitemid ifundefinedcitepunct ifundefinedciteform ifundefinedDeclareOption @= verbose@ nospace space ref namedefciten #1nocite #1tempcntb@ne @ldfor citeb:=tempa make@cite@listtempcnta@ne @cite cite@list h@ldciten citen @= @ namedefcite ifnextchar[tempswatruecitewtempswafalsecitex ifundefinedselectfont ifundefinedfontsize namedefnocite #1@filesw xout \citation tempa ifundefined@extra@b@citeb OVERCITE.STY Modify LaTeX's normal citation mechanism to: o Display citations as superscript numbers, with a comma and a small space between each number, and with three or more consecutive numbers compressed into a range like 3-7. o Sort citation numbers into ascending order; print non-numbers before numbers. All numbers should be greater than zero. o If an optional note is given, typeset the whole list of citations at regular size as if cite.sty was in effect. (See cite.sty). o Use THE SAME INPUT FORMAT as for ordinary citations; this style will ignore spaces before the citation, and move trailing punctuation to before the citation. For example, "...information cite source;" ignores the space before cite and puts the simicolon before the number, just as if you typed "...information;12" o The punctuation that will migrate before the superscript is .,;:. Perhaps ! and ? should too, but they weren't listed in the APS style manual I looked at. Quotes were, but they should never have to migrate because both on-line and superscript versions put quotes before the citation. This gives one difficulty: punctuation following quotes won't migrate inside the quotation: E.g.: ``Transition State Theory''cite Eyring. gives ``Transition State Theory''.8 when you want ``Transition State Theory.''8 o Doubling of periods (.., ?., !.) is checked for and suppressed. The spacing after the citation is set according to the final punctuation mark moved. There is a problem with double periods after a capitalized abbreviation or directly after : Both of "N.A.S.A. cite space." and "et al. cite many." will give doubled periods. These can be fixed as follows: "N.A.S.A. cite space." and "et al. cite many.". These work properly for both cite.sty and overcite.sty, but the NASA example gives the wrong spacing when there is no citation. Sorry. Use after abbreviations like et al. to get the right spacing within a sentence whether or not a citation follows. o Define citen to get just the numbers without the brackets or superscript and extra formatting. Alaises are and . o `Citation...undefined' warnings are only given once per undefined citation tag. In the text, missing numbers are represented with a bold `?' at the first occurrence, and with a normal `?' thenceforth. o Make nocite , cite , and citen all ignore spaces in the input tags. Although each cite command sorts its numbers, better compression into ranges can usually be achieved by carefully selecting the order of the
ntries, or the order of initial citations when using bibtex. Having the entries presorted will also save processing time, especially for long lists of numbers. Customization:                There are several commands that you may redefine to change the formatting of citation lists: command function default ———- ———————– —————————- reformats every entry nothing ,highpenalty printed between numbers comma + penalty + thin space [Ref.M left delimiter of list [ )right delimeter of list ] ,medpenalty printed before note comma + space The left/mid/right commands only affect the formatting of citations with optional notes: cite [xxx]yyy. You may use to change any of these. Under LaTeX2e, there are four options for : [verbose] causes warnings for undefined citations to be repeated each time they are used. [ref] uses the format `[Ref. 12, optional note]' when cite [] appears. [nospace] eliminates the spaces after commas in the number list. [space] uses a full inter-word space with no penalty after the commas These and other variations can be achieved using . Some examples: The appearance of the whole citation list is governed by cite, (for no note) and citew (when a note is given). For more extensive changes to the formatting, redefine cite and/or citew. For example, to get brackets even in the superscripts, do: Related Note: overcite.sty does not affect the numbering format of the bibliography; the "[12]" style is still the default. To get superscripts in the bibliography (at any time) you can include biblabel[1]#1 in your personal style file, or include biblabel[1]#1 directly in your document. If this does not work, your LaTeX and/or document style are very outdated. extra@b@citeb is a hook for other style files to further specify citations; for example, to number by chapter (see chapterbib.sty). See also cite.sty for enhanced [5-9] type citations, and drftcite.sty for draft (draught) mode citations. ROBUST!